Saturday, January 21, 2017

The experimental Camp.

There is the rule of “P”’s.   There is the saying, “train like you fight, train hard, fight easy”. Mav Mack at test camp Crop We used to say ya’ll don’t know the swamp until you meet the mosquito.   Basically, to adequately prepare for an excursion, one must live and subsist in the exact way they plan to in the field. It never really works out, but with enough prep and practice the “Adapt and Overcome” thing becomes much easier.
At this time of year the weather in the Mesa Valley area is comparable
Living wage sign 1 black jpgto the weather conditions I will face in the high country as late as June.  If I am able to stay on the schedule I am hoping for, by late April I will already be or at near the Blue Mesa, and be getting ready to begin the first phase of the 1st Continental Divide crossing.  The nights will be as cold up there at that time of year as they are here now. 
Most equipment fails quickly.  Weeding out the few essential items that actually function in the conditions one faces in the High Country is a big issue for me, as I don’t like to carry a lot.  I don’t like to carry dead weight.  I am often surprised that the few items that do make the cut, often are antiques themselves.  The old saying “they don’t make’m like they used to” comes to mind.  Once I get to tack and equine care, the day to day routine of survival and self care will be second nature.  Train like you Fight. 
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